Stunna Girl's Real Name, Ethnicity, and Where She Is From

Stunna Girl’s real name is Suzanne Sade Brown. Born on July 2, 1998, and currently 25 years old, she is from Sacramento, California, United States of America, and is of African American descent.

Stunna Girl is a singer, songwriter, and rapper. Also a media personality, the somewhat controversial star came into the limelight thanks to her 2019 hit track Runway, which gained so much play on TikTok. Apart from her musical career, there have been many questions about her ethnicity and where she is actually from.

What Is Stunna Girl’s Real Name?

Stunna Girl’s real name is Suzanne Sade Brown. Born on July 2, 1998, in the Oak Park neighborhood of Sacramento, the 25-year-old revealed that her middle name, Sade, was given to her after Nigerian-British singer Sade Adu and she has always looked up to her.

The Sacramento-born later adopted the name Stunna Girl when she started her musical career, although she has not revealed how the name came by. Before starting as a musician, she had her education until grade seven, when she was expelled. Stunna then attended Charter school for a while before proceeding to obtain her GED while in prison.

It was later after this that she started her musical career, adopting the name Stunna Girl.

Stunna Girl’s Ethnicity

Stunna Girl’s ethnicity is considered African American. It is clear from all her physical features that she is a black woman who also has White roots.

While the ethnic extractions of her father and mother have not been made known, there are some claims that she also has German, English, and Welsh ancestry. However, like many other mysterious things about her, nothing supports the claim that she has mixed roots.

Where Is Stunna Girl From?

Stunna Girl is from Sacramento, California, United States, where she was born and raised. According to her, growing up in her birthplace earned her many haters and a lot of jealousy because people were idle and had a lot of time to do petty things. Her upbringing in Sacramento was quite difficult due to the fact that her family did not have much.

Although Stunna Girl spent much of her life in Sacramento, she got into different types of crimes, which saw her spend time behind bars. After she was released from prison following a robbery incident, she was sent out of state to Colorado in the hopes that she was going to get better.

Things did not improve with her, and soon, she was back to Sacramento, where she was imprisoned for the next three years. After that, she was released at the age of 17, and she now continues to live in her hometown and doing her musical career.

Who are Stunna Girl’s Parents?

Stunna Girl has never shared the names of her parents, but she revealed that they were both in her life before the age of 12. Her home was stable, thanks to her mom, who raised her in a large family of 7 kids.

Stunna Girl’s biological father was not in the picture, and she would rather not talk about him. Nonetheless, she made it known that she had a father figure in her younger sister’s dad, who was always helping her and telling her how she needed to get herself together.

Her father was very instrumental in getting her to become a rapper and singer. According to her, he had a studio closet where he always encouraged her to record. He showed her how to record, and it stuck with her until she became a professional rapper and singer.

Her mother was sent to prison for two years when the singer was less than 12 years old. She was jailed for something that Stunna Girl has yet to talk about. After the arrest of her mom, her family had to split, and the rapper was separated from her siblings as she hit the streets, where she started getting into trouble at the young age of 12.

Stunna Girl credits her mom as her main inspiration in becoming a strong woman. According to her, her mother worked very hard to provide for her and her siblings.
